
How it got to be Zen's job to take out the trash

Zen would have been nothing more than a speck of space dust if he had stayed on his birth planet. But lucky for him, and for intergalactic ecology, he was rescued by the Masters. It was on their planet OM that the young Zen learned a futuristic form of ninja and meditation for superior mental ability. As he got older, these skills earned him the reputation of being the most sought after soldier-of-fortune in the cosmos.

The trouble starts on Planet Earth, one of the Gordons' most amusing favorites, at the brink of serious disaster. Just when Earthlings have started to become more careful about how they treat their planet, they're plagued by the crazy plans of the putrid Lord Contaminous. The treacherous Contaminous emerged from a festering toxic waste dump and he and his army of foul followers are out to trash the biosphere. To make things more complicated, an Earthboy named Jeremy has accidentally discovered the Geocrystal, a gem with the power to save the world, and the forces of Contaminous will stop at nothing to snag that rock.

So Zen must save Jeremy the Starchilde, pocket the Geocrystal and defeat the supreme forces of filth if Planet Earth is to ever see another Earth Day! Read on to see how you can help.


ZEN!!!! Han är ju typ CAPTAIN PLANET fast ninja och utan den rasistiska undertonen (vilket ju är synd på sätt och vis)! CONTAMINUS är ju en charmig jävla fiende också.
Detta är en lite annorlunda platformer med lite 3-D features på vissa banor när man springer uppåt istället men ibland det som vanligt vänster-höger. Man får först välja på 4 banor och klarar du dessa går du vidare till sista delen av spelet, á la megaman. Det var två continues och 4 liv har jag för mig, men med en del extraliv på vägen. Det var lite trial&error så när man lärt sig banorna var det inte jättesvårt direkt.

Bra spel, med en god dos charm. Jag gillar speciellt sensmoralen att man kan lösa alla miljöproblem på LJORDEN genom att spetsa CONTAMINUS. Det vore jävla gött om det var så. GW ZEN!!




